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Fees Parker Wine Dinner • May 14

May 14, 2025

Join us for a wine dinner with Fees Parker on May 14th with owners Ashley Park Snider and Tim Snider.

When Fess Parker purchased the 714-acre Foxen Canyon Ranch in 1988, his dream was to start a family business that future generations would want to be a part of, expand upon and ultimately make their own. Fess passed away in 2010 but the businesses he founded remain in good hands with second and third generation family members stepping up and taking the reins. His wish to remain family owned and operated is alive and well.

First Course:

Asperges avec Sauce Hollandaise
Chilled white and green asparagus, hollandaise sauce, spiced brioche

Second Course:

Raviolo Oeuf
30-yolk pasta dough, egg yolk, crème fraîche, Comté, Herbes de Provence, ramp butter

Third Course:

Crevettes Impériale
Spanish red carabineros prawns, sugar snap peas, sauce Algérienne


Côtelettes d’Agneau
Colorado lamb chops, creamed peas, charred ramps, mint

Fourth Course:

Tarte aux Fraises
Pastry crust, vanilla curd, Harry’s berries

Reservations and more information coming soon!